Research and Evidence based Policy Advocacy

Our research seeks to expand the body of knowledge specific to issues and experiences of Dalit communities and other under-represented groups within Nepal. We have published a wide variety of books and resources covering ethnographic studies, social and political movements, philosophy, history, and literature related to Dalit communities and caste-systems. These resources have been produced to provide general public an access to critical research and raise awareness for positive change. In addition to publishing books, we have also produced briefs for policy reviews and advocacy that review current legislation and provide recommendations to advance the rights of marginalized groups.
We conduct both independent and collaborative research with partners. The outcomes of research are integrated into advocacy tools such as policy papers, advocacy briefs, informational briefs, newsletters, campaigns, and other materials to disseminate among major stakeholders. The findings of research conducted have been used for advocacy purposes for positive societal transformation.
Our policy advocacy efforts have aided law enactment processes and campaigns for the amendment procedure of laws and regulations concerning Dalits and human rights as a whole.
Our advocacy and lobbying actions are extended to regional and international level. At the regional level campaigning and lobbying, Samata Foundation engages with the Asia Dalit Right Forum (ADRF) and Asia Democracy Research Network (ADRN).