This book Sangharshama Sabhasad is a short biography of forty parliamentarians from Dalit community in the second Constituent Assembly (CA). These parliamentarians differed in their thoughts concerning the Dalit agendas given the fact that they were from various political, economic, social and cultural backgrounds. However, all of them shared long and unremitting struggle and life experiences exclusively bent on the construction of inclusive and democratic constitution. Undoubtedly, their effort was commendable in road-mapping of the Dalit-friendly governing system, state reconstruction and electoral system.
In this premise, this book is a portrayal of life of forty Dalit CA members prior to their representation in the Constituent Assembly and about the hurdles they confronted for social justice. Simultaneously, the book attempts to accumulate different opinions and deliberations raised and discussed during the CA, to assist in synthesizing the agendas that had been augmented during that period.